Everyone’s home can become cluttered. Things just have a way of sneaking into places they shouldn’t be and they end up staying there. No matter what your clutter is, the first thing you need to do in the process of decluttering is to identify the top 5 most cluttered places in your home. Starting with those top 5 will make decluttering the rest of your home a piece of cake.
Identify the Top 5 Most Cluttered Places in Your Home
The top 5 places can vary from home to home, but here are the top 5 most likely locations:
1. Entryway
The entrance to your home is a major hub for clutter collection. Shoes, bags, and jackets are dropped here upon entry and most of the time find permanent homes on the ground until they’re in need again the next day. The simplest way to declutter your entryway is a shoe rack and a coat rack or hooks on the wall. Both of these options immediately remove everything from the floor and put them in a convenient place to find for the next day.
2. Kitchen Counter
The kitchen has a lot of traffic. It’s where meals are prepared, where your family comes to snack, and hang out. With all this traffic, your kitchen counters can easily disappear. Since everyone in your family uses the kitchen, the decluttering process goes a lot faster when you make it a family effort. The kids can immediately pack up their school work after completing it, everyone should know that dishes should be washed right away or at least put in the sink, and baskets for mail can be helpful to contain it all in one, confined area.
3. Desks
Your desk is another area where mail and paperwork find a home. The best way to declutter your desk is to get organized. Get baskets or organizational containers to keep everything in order and make sure everything has a place. The next step is to actually use all the assigned spaces. To avoid cluttering your desk again, be sure to always put things where they belong.
4. Closets
Closets are easily the number one are in your home to collect stuff. It’s easy to shove things in closets to hide them and then they get forgotten about over time. Organization is key to any decluttering process. The addition of shelves and shoe racks can immensely help reduce your clutter
5. Garage
Just like closets, many items are discarded into the garage and collect over time. And still like your closet, and all the other areas in your home that need decluttering, organization is the way to do it. Cabinets can remove things from the floor and give them proper places. But you should dispose of any items that you don’t use and won’t use in the future; those items are just taking up unnecessary space.
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