House Cleaning Tips
There are so many suggestions on how to clean a home and everyone seems to know what they are doing but what do you do when your home gets a little out of hand? There are times where you need to be able to take a breathe and start tackling your home one room at a time but if you feel over whelmed with everything that needs to be done you might want to look at these tips to help you out. Many times you will find that your home is beyond cleaning and it seems like a hopeless effort to get it where you want it or you might be looking at some spring cleaning and get frustrated because it seems like it will never be done. We are here to help.
House Cleaning Tip 1
The key to any project is to make sure that you are able to break up your big project into smaller projects. While looking at the big picture might be great for some task you will want to focus on planning and breaking the work into manageable task. One of the first steps that we suggest is to take a camera, pen, and notepad into each room of your home. For those out there that have basements you might want to start there. For those out there that do not have basements you might want to start from when you enter the door. Look at what you want to be able to accomplish. For some this might be a deep down clean that they have been avoiding for others it might be organizing. You will want to take a picture of all your problem areas and start making a list of what needs to be done such as wiping down walls, sweeping the floor, or organizing an area. You will want to move from room to room and complete your list.
House Cleaning Tip 2
Once you have been able to determine what work needs to be done in each room you should be able to start making a list of what cleaning supplies you are going to need for each area. You will want to separate the cleaning supplies by the room to ensure that you have everything that you need and to make sure that later on you do not forget an item. You will then want to make sure that you start in the first room with all the cleaning supplies and organizational tools that you need for the room that you are working on. Once you have everything you need you will want to start in one corner and work your way to the following room. One rule that we suggest for you is to make sure that you organize everything as you go. This will help you to not put random things in the room after you have completed it.
House Cleaning Tip 3
When you have completed a room give yourself a ten fifteen minute break and take pictures of your completed work. There are a number of reasons why we suggest this process. Giving yourself a short break will allow you to relax a little between cleaning rooms and it will also give you a chance to look at the before pictures of the room that you just worked on and the after pictures to show yourself the progress that you have made so far. One suggestion that we have is to place the after photo on the refrigerator or where ever you might feel like you might see it frequently. This will allow you to mimic the look as you do maintenance on that room. For example if your first room that you are working on is the front hallway you will want to take pictures of the walls all wiped down, coats and shoes organized, and the floor swept and mopped. Anything that does not belong in this area should be removed. These pictures should also show you the progress that you have made thus far allowing you to want to get more done.
House Cleaning Tip 4
One rule that we would suggest that you have is after you have cleaned an area do not reenter the area unless there is something that is supposed to go in there. This will help reduce the amount of going back and forth cleaning and help to keep the area that is already cleaned and organized the same as when you completed it. You will continue this process until each room in your home is cleaned.
HouseCleaning Tip 5
While you might have limited time for house work you do not want to overdo it and then feel disappointed if you are not able to finish it. Those out there that might have bigger homes or those out there that might have children that have a tendency to destroy everything that you clean you might want to focus on just completing a couple rooms a day. Over estimating what you should be able to complete in a day might lead to frustration which will ultimately lead you back where you started.
House Cleaning Tip 6
Multi-tasking is very important when it comes to cleaning. The basic fact of the matter is there are some jobs that take longer than others. For those out there those are trying to get laundry done and clean your home you should be able to do both at the same time. For example, if you are doing laundry you can clean up the laundry area while clothes are washing. You should be able to organize a nearby room while your clothes are drying. The more that you are able to do at one time the less you have to do later and less likely you are to forget about the laundry that is going if you are cleaning next to it. You might also find it useful to be able to clean the kitchen as you are making dinner. Simple multitasking may free up a bit of your time.
House Cleaning Tip 7
Maintenance is the key to ensuring that you are able to keep your home
looking great. While many people might find it silly it is ideal to keep list for housework that needs to be done. You will want to compile a list of items that you need to do daily, weekly, and monthly. With these lists you should be able to break these chores down so that they are able to determine the best way to complete them. Daily chores might include items such as dishes, laundry (depending on the amount created each day), going through your mail, and making your bed. Each home is different so each of these chore lists will be different. The more you are able to break down your lists the more it will seem that you are able to accomplish. For those items that you are not able to complete one day you will want to make sure it is the first thing that you complete the next day.
House Cleaning Tip 8
You will find that if you schedule time to clean each day it will not seem so hard to keep on task. While you should try to clean as you go you will want to make sure that you set aside an hour or two to clean every day. The simple fact of the matter is that the more that you set a cleaning schedule the less likely you are to be over whelmed. You will also notice that once you get the hang of a cleaning schedule you will not need to take as long to get things done. You know how much work your home requires to look nice each day and you need to plan according to that.
House Cleaning Tip 9
Do not be afraid to ask for help. For those out there that might not know where to start on a cleaning project you might need to call in reinforcements to get you started. You may want to ask a relative or friend for help getting started. You will want to find someone that you trust and that you know is able to keep their home clean. There are some out there that might even benefit from hiring a professional cleaning service to help get them started. You would need to make sure that you find out if this is a service that the cleaning company is able to offer you. You will also need to determine what changes you will need to take in order to continue to have success if you’re cleaning ventures in the future. For those out there that simply are not able to make time to clean you might want to hire a cleaning service to help with the basic cleaning needs. You will need to sit down and determine what would best suit your needs.
House Cleaning Tip 10
The final tip that we have for you is to have fun. While it might sound a little odd find out what a difference it makes to play your favorite songs while you are cleaning. Find different rewards that you can give yourself if you are able to complete your cleaning lists. This might be something as simple as a nice relaxing bubble bath or a nice cup of coffee. Make a game out of cleaning if you have kids. You can have them race to see who can pick up so many items first. While there are so many different ways that you can go about increasing the amount of fun that you have while you are cleaning you will find that over time it gets easier and easier to get the chores done.
For those out there that find that they are need of help with their house cleaning needs and live in the University Park, Gulf Gate Estates, or Long Boat Key, FL area feel free to contact: